Ranking Tips

Search engines use algorithms to rank search results based on feedback from user experience and the intent of the searcher. Google, for instance, uses an algorithm known as RankBrain to rank search results. RankBrain utilizes Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning to rank search results. On this page, we dive deep to know what makes these algorithms tick and how website owners can increase the ranking of their blogs or websites on search engines.

Improving Your Search Engine Ranking

Majority of searchers on Google, Bing, Yahoo or any other search engine will click on the very first search result. If your website isn’t ranked on one of the top spots, your website will not be easy to find with a quick search. As a blog or a website owner, you need to find ways to improve your search engine ranking or you will not be getting any traffic on your site. Here are five actionable tips to improve your website’s search engine ranking.

Utilize Alt Tags

Use alternative descriptions, or alt tags, when describing your visual and video media. The search engine can easily locate your page which is important, especially when the searcher is using a text-only browser.

Create A Link-Worthy Page

Always try to create a relevant link inside texts. For instance, write the name of the destination in the place of ‘click here’ texts. A text rich in keywords plays an important role towards increasing your search engine ranking. Beyond the attached URL, ‘click here’ texts don’t have any search engine value.

Use Metadata

All website designs have a space for inserting the information about the content of your site, also known as metadata. This includes keyword metadata, description metadata, and the title metadata. Metadata displays a succinct, appealing description of the contents of your website meant to encourage searchers to click.

Update Content

Search engines feel pretty strongly about content − everyone does. Updating your content on a regular basis is a strong indication of a relevant site. A website that’s always up to date will have a better ranking on search engines. Updating the content on your blog or website only comes second to publishing high-quality content in the first place.

Content Is King

For starters, if you don’t have relevant content on your website, updates won’t make a difference in the ranking of your website. Publishing relevant content on your blog or website has the biggest impact on your search engine rankings. Be extra cautious with the content you post; there is no substitute for high-quality content as far as search engine ranking is concerned.

Every website or blog owner must adapt his/her SEO strategies to the evolution of search engine algorithms and developments in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. Remember that this isn’t an exhaustive list. There are many other ways to improve search engine ranking, but listed above are some of the most basic. Follow these tips to see better rankings on search engines.